Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi is for everyone. You can practice Tai Chi, regardless of your age, gender, or physical limitations. The unique Tai Chi training program offered at OC Tai Chi Studio comes directly from the way it is taught by Yang style disciples in China. From our classes, you will learn not only the postures, but also internal thinking techniques for body coordination, mediation, and relaxation. We use a scientific approach to precisely describe the internal thinking process for each Tai Chi movement. Our classes are designed to answer questions related to the purpose of the Tai Chi moves, the essential Tai Chi Principles, the enhancement of energy circulation throughout your body.

At Orange County Tai Chi Studio, we offer Tai Chi lessons at these skill levels, locations, & times

Schedule of Tai Chi Classes:

Tuesday6:30 – 8 pmIrvine Deerfield Park Community Center,
(near Culver and Irvine Center Dr.)
Wednesday7 – 8 pmPlacentia Backs Community Building,
201 N. Bradford Ave, Placentia (near Chapman & Kreamer)
Thursday9:30 – 11 amFountain Valley (Mile Square Park)
(at tennis court office front yard)
Saturday8:30 – 10 amIrvine Harvard Athletic ParkBeginner

For other locations and more information, please email us.

Tai Chi Skill Levels:

  • LEVEL I – Stretching exercises; Fundamental Tai Chi concept and knowledge; Yang style 24 forms in physical movement.
  • LEVEL II – Extensive stretching exercises; Meditation stances; Push Hands in conjunction with practicing the entire 24 forms. Also focus on transition details in-between forms for form fluency.
  • LEVEL III – Focus on the internal thinking techniques of each form. Learn to develop one’s own thinking pattern combined with essential Tai Chi principles.

Location Directions:

  • Irvine Deerfield Park Community Center, near Culver and Irvine Center Dr. (Map it)
  • Irvine Harvard Athletic Park is near Jamboree and I-5 Fwy. (Map it)
  • Mile Square Park is in Fountain Valley, near the tennis court on Brookhurst (Map it)
  • Placentia Backs Community Building, 201 N. Bradford Ave, Placentia 92870 near Chapman and Kreamer (Map it)

For more information, or for a special appointment, please email us.